For the most effective Coaching session, be sure you are in a quiet, private area where you can talk with your Coach, with as few distractions as possible. Use earbuds or earphones, too, if you feel necessary!

For Your Fourth Coaching Session

The focus for the fourth Coaching session will be assessing your progress towards the SMART goal (or goals!) you and your Coach have previously discussed. This may include further refining your earlier goals or crafting new goals. After one full term of college under your belt, you likely know more about how you do (or don't) want to spend your time and energy, academically, professionally, and

To complement the idea of "Growth Mindset" introduced in the last session, you will also review the concept of the "Learning Curve," particularly as it relates to making progress towards achieving a goal. The "Learning Curve" concept identifies how we apply past learning to new experiences and persist through challenges, obstacles, and set-backs to achieve new learning. The video above as well as the short pre-work linked below explore the idea of the "Learning Curve" in more detail.

BEFORE Your Fourth Coaching Session

  • Download a copy of this Google Doc.
  • Review and Reflect. First, review the information about learning and the learning curve and complete the reflection exercise on page 3. Save and send to your Coach at least 24 hours prior to Session 4.

During Session #4

Share. Be prepared to discuss your reflections on your learning as it relates to your goal(s). Consider any additional insights you may have about each of your responses based on what emerges during this Coaching session.


© Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation