For the most effective Coaching session, be sure you are in a quiet, private area where you can talk with your Coach, with as few distractions as possible. Use earbuds or earphones, too, if you feel necessary!
For This Coaching Session
The focus of this Coaching session will be the concept of what we call #goaling -- this is the process by which you ideate and refine a S.M.A.R.T. goal and create a plan to move towards achieving that goal.
BEFORE Your Coaching Session
For #goaling
- Read this short overview of how to craft good goals. (371 words)
- Review this short summary of the SMART goal approach. Using the simple SMART goal framework on page 13 of this document, draft at least THREE goals you might like to work on.
- To help you think about it, here are some general areas past Scholar Coachees have used for #goaling:
- Academics: choosing a major, deciding which graduate/professional school path to pursue, transferring schools
- Professional: securing a summer internship, setting up an alumni network, deciding/narrowing post-college industries of interest, launching a new business/organizational endeavor
- Involvement/Leadership: securing a campus leadership position, launching a new campus organization or initiative
- Personal: increase physical activity, better nutrition, improve time management, address roommate/friend/family conflict or concern
- Be prepared to discuss these first drafts with your Coach and to refine them during the session. These drafts may provide the basis for your longer-term goal to focus on during the Coaching engagement.
- Download this Google Doc to review additional information about SMART #goaling.
SNEAK PEEK AT SESSION 3: You will continue to refine goals and explore how mindset affects how a person achieves (or does not achieve) a goal.