For the most effective Coaching session, be sure you are in a quiet, private area where you can talk with your Coach, with as few distractions as possible. Use earbuds or earphones, too, if you feel necessary!

For This Coaching Session

The focus of the third Coaching session will be the concept of "Growth Mindset." Your mindset is how you respond to new challenges, obstacles or opportunities that arise in your life. Nearing the end of a first term of college is a great time to reflect on your mindset, and your Coach will help you process how you have approached the challenges that have arisen during college thus far and how your mindset affects your goal progress.

Before This Coaching Session

  1. Continue to refine your 3 goals to ensure they are SMART -- you and your Coach can further refine their SMART-ness during your session, and your Coach will help you reflect on (and celebrate!) any progress you've already made in achieving these goals and determine the support and accountability you will need to ensure you achieve them.
  2. Watch these two videos exploring both the general concept of Growth Mindset (8:25) and Carol Dweck's (mind-blowing) research into Growth Mindset (4:51) using elementary school kids. (videos also embedded below)
  3. Once you have watched these videos and wrapped your brain around Growth Mindset, access this Google Doc to complete the puzzle and capture your reflections on the process and your mindset during the puzzle.

Growth Mindset Introduction: What it is, How it Works, and Why it Matters

Carol Dweck - A Study on Praise and Mindsets


© Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation