LDI Training

Training will be conducted in 2 phases:

Before arriving in Atlanta | Wednesday, March 19, 8:30-9:45 pm EST/7:30-8:45 pm CST/6:30-7:45 pm MST/5:30-6:45 pm PST

Michael Terrell and Corey Dysick, our LDI leaders, will lead a live webinar training on Wednesday, March 19 (look for a calendar invite including the Zoom link) to walk through the entire LDI curriculum and answer any questions you may have about the program. 

For any unable to attend the live training, a recording of the webinar will be made available soon after, and we ask that you view the appropriate recording below before arriving in Atlanta.

For new LDI facilitators, view this video with a detailed walk-through of the logistics related to LDI and other important information.

New Facilitator Training

coming soon!

For returning LDI facilitators, view this video with a high level walk-through to refresh your memory of the logistics and curriculum.

Returning Facilitator Refresher

coming soon!

In addition to the training, we encourage you to

  1. watch this TED Talk from Brene Brown on vulnerability
  2. contact the other 2 members of your LDI unit for pre-arrival introductions (coming soon!)
  3. send welcome emails to the Scholars in your LDI unit to introduce yourself (coming soon!)

In-Person training on April 3 in Atlanta

In-person training will take place on-site in Atlanta on Thursday, April 3, from 2:30 - 5:00 p.m. at the Georgia International Convention Center. You will shuttle from the Scholars Weekend hotel to the GICC (or directly to the GICC if your flight lands after 1 p.m.).

During this time, we will be focusing on teaching you the skills (although many will come naturally, we're sure) to most effectively facilitate group interactions with your assigned units. We will do this through the context of the weekend’s activities, so, the more you know about the LDI's events beforehand, the more we can focus on the mindset and tools of a great facilitator.

We are looking forward to seeing you all soon!


© Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation